Thursday, July 29, 2010


So tonight was absolutely epicness. We went over to mikey's and had an awesome night. it was a great night without any drama or any problems just good friends and good times. we all got along and had an amazing time. we had a great guest of kate buckley. she was so much fun and just melded in with us and hopefully felt welcome. She taught us an awesome game called ninja. so much fun. me and gable won a lot of the games.

When everyone else had left, and the only people who remained were mikey gable tyty and me. we started ot make some spoofs of songs. i cant really share them here cause they were slightly inappropriate but so hilarious. It was great to be wtih everyone and still just the guys being together and we were so happy.

Its nights like these that im gonna miss the most. We all know that we will always be friends its just even further in the future we dont want to be completely separated from each otehr. Our hearts are connected and nothing can stop us from seeing each other. We may not be able to be together all the time but the love we have for each other will be able to transcend all time and we will never forget each other.

more than my own life

Need somebody to love.

Hey everyone,
so today was better than the end to last night. i got to really experiment with dinner for tonight. we shall see how it turns out. hopefully its good. i was listening to italian opera for some reason today. it just really relaxed me. who knows why. I guess its part of the strangness that is me. haha
Might be going to mikey's house tonight. We shall see if his parents let us. otherwise im just going driving maybe pick him up and we will hang out.
Maybe more later.
More than my own life

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Goodbye Love, just came to say goodbye

So the title for today comes from one of my favorite musicals, Rent. Its about love and friendship through no matter what the world throws at you. Its a great play and movie.

So the title means many things to me. tongiht was a great night. I had an amazign pool party with some awesome people who i will miss dearly. The party was to say goodbye ot an underclassman friend who is going to Scotland for most of the summer and I will prolly not see her until either thanksgiving or christmas break. She was great and put up with a lot of stuff this past year. she said that this year was the best one she had had at high school because of us. The last time i was at her house i gave her a letter and a cd that i asked if i could have back cause i had never let people listen to the songs in the soundtrack. The cd was kept secret because everysong on the cd described the personality or traits or attitude of one of our friends. It was my keepsake adn memory of my friends. I let her keep it so she can remeber us when we leave in a month. nobody else will get it. every cd i make is special. hopefully people can see that.

The letter that i gave her was seen by some as kind of sneaky and assumptions were made by people what it was. and a certain someone made accusations against me that hurt as bad when caitlyn left me. The letter was a goodbye letter. i wrote a bunch of these orginally to give to my friends when we all parted ways but ive since burned all of them. i wrote this one to say be strong and that i would always think of her adn i stopped caring about her old relationship with her ex bf. But tonight this same letter seems to be the point of accusation. i got home and he started to accuse me of telling tina all this stuff about his relationship with kait. and the letter was the thing that i told her in. and to top it all off. i transferred a message that was supposed to be private between kait and me from tina, and he used that message against me. 1) what happened to dont shoot the messenger. 2) there is only one way that he could have gotten that message and thats if kait told him. he had it exactly word for word like i sent her. Maybe he hacked her fb but i doubt it. So right now im really upset and kinda crushed and so i listen to hte one type of music htat i usually hate but when ifeel like this it makes me feel betteer and that is opera. here's the one that is playing now: if you have never heard it you should listen. It's time to say goodbye. absolutely breathtaking. the english version is also available. So now im waiting for a response from kait. we need to talk. im more sad than anything and upset that she betrayed me like that. i dont know how much i can trust her. "Trust takes seconds to destroy, and years to rebuild." hopefully she can explain.


more than my own life


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Used to be love drunk

so tonight was really extremely bittersweet. i went to the loop and got bubble tea. So it was amazing i love the loop especially at night. adn bubble tea makes everything better. the bad part about the night was i was with caitlyn. it started off as fine and we talked about her trip to china but slowly we went back to our old ways and were flirting heavily back and forth.

So, some describiton about caitlyn and mine's relationship. it was never really solid or anything just super confusing cause she dated a friend of mine, but we wouls still mess around alot. then she gave me an ultimatum of either date her adn sleep with her or be nothing. well i didnt like either of those so i chose to ignore her until she came to me. and then we got stressed adn she left for china for a week longer than she was supposed to because of me and then went straight ot a vacation. Oh well. it was just weird cause we ened the night with her in my arms and our lips so close that tehy touched while we talked.

I havent been that close to a girl or talked to her like that in a long time. it was really weird. not to sound gay but i can flirt with guys no prob adn then react so differently and are easy to be around. some girls just confuse me. especially her but oh well i let all those feelings die away.

More than my own life

You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream.

so im still trying to think of what to post. this blog was for me to try and get past my writers block.
so i just had a great conversationwith my grandma. It was all about roman history and greek language and the bible. She believessome things that i cant bring myself to believe. for one she doesnt believe adam and eve are representations of man and woman. she takes it as two people. so the whole world was created by two people. SEh doesnt see that he fact that is incredible incest or hte fact hat when you kiss your s.o. you are kissing your sibling then. She is the kind of person that takes the bible as written fact. IT cant be done htat way. We started talking about nero and how he was crazy. It felt amazingto us my knowledge of ancient latin to talk. i started ramblingin latin and didnt realize it. she looked at me really weird and then realized what i was doing. I havent donet hat since school let out. it was really funny for me. her not so much..

So i guess ill give a little background on my grandma. She is my entire world and i love her to pieces. Back from 2nd ot 8th grade she basically raised me. I lived wiht her adn everything. I would only see my parents on weekends. haha it was really fun. She would take care of me and i basically ruled the house. She is everything to me. She got really lonely when i went to high school caue i never saw her much and now that i leaving for college i makingsure my parents watchoverher for me. A little secret she likes me more than anyone else inour family.I knowthat sound snotty and whatever but its true. im her only heir. haah its not much but still she has a house and a car that i can sell and three bank accounts only i know the passwords too. those are because i made them for her. haha oh mer.

SO on a different note. i had an interesting confor with kait yesterday on a topic that can be quite controversial. I have many gay friends some are extremly open to it and some are so far in the closet it gets annoying when they flirt with girls. (no kait im not talking about your ex..... or am i?) so anyways we were talking about how when two girls kiss they are completely accepted and some men find them more attractive then before because they can try and get two girls in bed instead of just one. But when two men kiss they are instantly labeled for life as being gay. it just doesnt make sense to me. everyone is curious why is one gender's curiousity more exceptable then anothers. So she put it into a new light. women are a lot more sensual beings then men so they get more arousal and pleassure from many things. My only problem withthat is im a male and im like taht too. I dont have a "personnal bubble." If you need a hug id be the first one there or a back rub or pretty much anything up to having sex wiht you im there for ya. haha that sounded bad but still. so why isthe world so judgmental of people who are just being themselves.
More than my own life