Thursday, July 29, 2010


So tonight was absolutely epicness. We went over to mikey's and had an awesome night. it was a great night without any drama or any problems just good friends and good times. we all got along and had an amazing time. we had a great guest of kate buckley. she was so much fun and just melded in with us and hopefully felt welcome. She taught us an awesome game called ninja. so much fun. me and gable won a lot of the games.

When everyone else had left, and the only people who remained were mikey gable tyty and me. we started ot make some spoofs of songs. i cant really share them here cause they were slightly inappropriate but so hilarious. It was great to be wtih everyone and still just the guys being together and we were so happy.

Its nights like these that im gonna miss the most. We all know that we will always be friends its just even further in the future we dont want to be completely separated from each otehr. Our hearts are connected and nothing can stop us from seeing each other. We may not be able to be together all the time but the love we have for each other will be able to transcend all time and we will never forget each other.

more than my own life

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