Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Used to be love drunk

so tonight was really extremely bittersweet. i went to the loop and got bubble tea. So it was amazing i love the loop especially at night. adn bubble tea makes everything better. the bad part about the night was i was with caitlyn. it started off as fine and we talked about her trip to china but slowly we went back to our old ways and were flirting heavily back and forth.

So, some describiton about caitlyn and mine's relationship. it was never really solid or anything just super confusing cause she dated a friend of mine, but we wouls still mess around alot. then she gave me an ultimatum of either date her adn sleep with her or be nothing. well i didnt like either of those so i chose to ignore her until she came to me. and then we got stressed adn she left for china for a week longer than she was supposed to because of me and then went straight ot a vacation. Oh well. it was just weird cause we ened the night with her in my arms and our lips so close that tehy touched while we talked.

I havent been that close to a girl or talked to her like that in a long time. it was really weird. not to sound gay but i can flirt with guys no prob adn then react so differently and are easy to be around. some girls just confuse me. especially her but oh well i let all those feelings die away.

More than my own life

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