Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cause i miss you!!

so i miss all my friends a ton but the one i miss the most is my gay best friend. Alex seidel. he and i are like twin bros. we really do share a mind sometimes its hilarious adn when we are together we laugh adn make those around us laugh till they cry. hes at college now and i dont get random texts as much or even randomer calls. Its gotten really quiet without him. Its weird. Like a person from new york moving to kansas and misses the traffic well im the new yorker and hes my traffic. I saw him friday night and hadnt realized how much i missed him till then. hes grown up a lot but hes still him. it felt like forever since i saw him. it had only been a day and a half since i talked to him oh mer.
The song that this title is for is by dashboard confessional. no i dont rember the name and no i wont look it up in my ipod. its off there new cd. If ya wanna know look it up. i m tired night

More than my own life

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