Sunday, August 15, 2010

People come into our lives for a reason

So as summer comes to an end an overwhelming feeling has come over me. and that is the feeling of goodbye. Us ually its not a big deal. I am used to just going to see friends and saying by to summer and then the next day we all be at school together talking like we never had to say goodbye. The thing is is when we say goodbye this time. i wont see everyone the nexxt day. When we say goodbye, its goodbye until probably thanksgiving. I wont be able to go out with these people every weekend. Its kind of sad but usually i get to say goodbye to eveyone before they leave and i can write them a poem and give it to them. Well, last night that didnt really happen so i was extremely sad. I didnt want to post the poem before saying goodbye to a certain someone and giving them the poem first. They failed to show up last night and didnt even bother to send a goodbye text or call or fb message. i was sad. i will post the poem for him here first before i do it on fb but i dont know when i will post it. im still kinda sad.

The song that the title comes from is another one of my favorite songs, For Good, its from the musical Wicked. it also is the song that my senior class sang at our senior follies, which is a big comedy thing seniors do. I was the one who picked the song out. it talks about friends and love and how even though we dont know why people come into our lives to make a difference and that may not always be known to us. It also says that even if we never see each other again we will always love and care about the people who we call our friends and love. It means a lot to me because all of my friends are like this.
More than my own life

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